Cambridge - PC and Laptop Repair


Cambridge PC Computer & Laptop repair

Home Visit - Low Cost Computer repair Cambridge - Small Business PC Support


01223 315807 / 07814 608727

We will come to your premises, diagnose the fault and repair on site, alternatively we can pick the system up and take it back to our office for

repair. We repair PC's and computers in Cambridge and surrounding Villages.

If you're having problems with upgrades or your computer is running slow, or even if it's dead, we can help! Computer Service, Support, Printer, Hard Drive and Hardware troubleshooting.
Virus Removal, Spyware Removal, Wireless Network, Upgrades, Broadband connection, Computer setup, Computer Services and much more!


Cambridge PC Computer Laptop repair Cambridge - Low cost computer repair Cambridge UK




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For Students - Computer PC and Laptop repairs Cambridge


Please Call Cambridge PC Computer and Laptop repair. 01223 315807



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PC Computer Laptop Repair Cambridge